THE LIFE OF RILEY Don't live it. Read about it.

Home sweet home

About a boy (called Riley)

Riley's Rants

Riley's Ritings

Riley's Riffs

Riley's Roamings

R.I.P. Bush-hat

Riley's Relos

Riley's Wrap

Gig Guide


Contact me

Home sweet home

Welcome to my very first website, perhaps the first of many.1

Not only is this website self-indulgent, pretentious and, at times, exhausting in its attention to every boring detail, it also contains plenty of opportunities for me to brain-wash and/or hypnotise stupid readers. Yes - you could be one of them! But don't blame me - blame the website.

You will be able to read about and see pictures of my recent travels (and, if possible, photos of naked friends, taken unawares), read articles that I have written that have never been published, read rants about topics you don't care about, listen to Strangelove's music and later ask "why?" and, thankfully, access links to other, more interesting websites.

I'm also going to try to contribute a regular feature, kind of like a journal, so you can keep coming back and earn me more cash!!! Cash, cash, cash, cash, cash…

Let me know what you think or if you want to send me money as your new messiah (though I have not made any claims to being a messiah of any sort (yet), if there's enough interest, messianic rants may soon be a regular feature).


love the rilestar, Registered Messiah No. 36728.

PS I would appreciate it if people could regard my witty self-deprecation as charming and not as evidence.

1. I intend for my websites to be unequivocal failures (if that's possible for websites - I have a lot of competition). Much like a phoenix company, my websites will crash and burn spectacularly, only to arise later under a different name and with new creditors.