THE LIFE OF RILEY Don't live it. Read about it.
While on a recent trip to Europe and two other continents, I sent semi-regular "Travel Updates TM(1)" to my unfortunate friends and family back home as well as other unsuspecting and gullible travellers we met along the way. These Travel Updates were intended to be informative and humourous and ended up being, well, extremely long. However, they have served as a fantastic reminder (for me, at least) of what turned out to be a great trip. Due to the un-humourous (in-humourous? Dis-humourous?) nature of good news, I tended to focus more on things that went wrong, perhaps making the trip appear less great than it was. Don't fret, though. It was great.
Really, really great.
(See how non-humourous that was?)
Anyway, I've provided the Travel Updates in full, along with links to photos so that you can SEE, using the power of the internet and your own human eyes, what I was writing about.
You can also look at proper-as travel articles I have written about these and other events at Travel articles.
If ever I become famous for any other reason, perhaps by winning some kind of website design award, I may try and con a publisher into publishing them (if you are a publisher, by "con", I of course mean "hoodwink"). For now, don't live it, read about it.
(1) Contrary to popular belief, this does not stand for a registered "Trade mark" under the Trade Marks Act (Cth) 1995 but actually stands for "time machine".
(2) In the vein of "I'm having SUCH a good time while I'm away! Oh, you wouldn't believe how nice everyone is, how cheap everything is, how perfect the weather has been, how (insert other really annoying thing to people reading the e-mail while stuck in tiny, little offices, hating their lives)".
Here is where you'll be able to find out a bit about little jaunts I may or may not have undertaken.
Recently I returned from a trip to Europe and other places abroad and, whilst away, I sent semi-regular "Travel Updates" to keep everyone back home (and some of those I met along the way) exhaustively informed of my adventures. I'm hoing that these people and others will now be able to read those UpdatesTM in conjunction with photos of the places and people I went to to make my travels "come alive"!
And, yes, I went to people.
Click on the links below to journey to a wonderful world:
Re: We're going to Oktoberfest
Interlude: Bud-a-climp, Bud-a-CLAMP!
MONHTLY UPDATE/SNOREFEST (the stream of consciousness edition)
And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda